Friday, July 15, 2011

Picnic Island #3 Race Report

Tonight marked the third and final race in the Picnic Island series hosted by Jim Harnett and the Tampa Racing Authority (  Where is Picnic Island, you ask?

Basically, you go ALL the way down Westshore Boulevard into an industrial park, and boom! There you are.

Now, I have ALWAYS really wanted to try one of these races, and signed up on a whim for the #2 race in June and had a blasty-blast!  Let me tell you something, these people are completely insane  - but, they sure do know how to have a good time.  Here's a look at the race course:

Those squiggly lines, yeah, that's where you run up and down and up and down and up and down the SAME hill.  It's brutal!

But, one of the draws is the race organizers give custom prizes to the Top 60 female and male finishers, and I don't really NEED any of the stuff they give out, but it sure is cool to get one.  Last month, I was #46 and got a canteen (seen pictured below with my fast friend, Cami Piche, who also won the overall master's title)

Tonight, the prize was a custom pint glass.  And there is certainly no need for more glasses in this house, but hey - who doesn't need something to drink out of?  However, even before the race started I wasn't really feeling it.  Ever feel that way? Just not really looking forward to a run?  Anyway, I said a little prayer on the starting line and basically gave up any hope of winning any sort of award and was REALLY looking forward to just finishing.

BUT! When I crossed the finish line - there was a nice, young man (In all WISCONSIN gear - Jamie Basak!) who handed me a cup!  Unbelievable!  I said, "really?!" And he replied with "Yes, really - you got the last one".  Wow! Some things are just meant to be.

Here I am with my friend Vera are her matching cup, shirt, and shorts :)  (Oh, and don't worry about Ben's banana in the corner of the picture!)  Also, got a chance to meet Rae Ann Darling Reed who runs the Runner Girl blog/brand and Manatee High School track team.  She has an awesome blog: ( and mission:
"To improve the health, fitness, and well-being of girls and women by providing expert advice, merchandise, and online services to female athletes of all ages". - LOVE it!

It was a great way to kick of the weekend, hope y'all get out there and enjoy it!

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