Sunday, September 11, 2011

TWO for ONE Long Run post!

So this week has been a little crazy, haven't really had a chance to post about my long (10 miler) last week. Being the multi-tasking woman that I am - here's a TWO for ONE! My favorite kind of twofer involves alcohol, but this will have to do.

Last week (9/4), Ben and I stayed down in Indian Rocks beach for the weekend - which was awesome! I had to do 10, and we scoped out a park/trail/botanical garden not too far away that we decided we were going to run to and back to the condo. Turns out the park is called Walsingham Park, here is a link to the website:

Here is the location, the city says Boca Ceiga but it seemed like Largo to me. We ran to another city even - geeze.

This is the path through the park - definitively will be heading back to run there again next time we stay in Pinellas.

It was beautiful! There were trails that were clearly marked every quarter mile, nice water views, water fountains AND bathrooms! What more can you ask for in a park?!? Here are the splits. Was doing really well until that last mile got me. My shoes were giving me a real problem and I had to walk back to the start.

Avg Pace

The best thing about staying on the beach is going directly there after running! Anyway, it wasn't pretty - but got 'er done!

This week (9/11), had 18 miles on the schedule. It's been probably five years since I've done that sort of distance. Actually it's been more than five years. I was super nervous that I wasn't going to be able to complete the whole distance. And I landed up at 17.5, but my Garmin died so there will be no "stats" for this run. Overall, I was so happy to be done with that run that I almost kissed my car! (kidding)

Rhonda and I met up with Tracey at Longleaf right at 5 am (well I was two minutes late, but I was putting a cooler on Starkey Blvd so that should make up for it). We started off and were catching up on the weekend happenings - Rhonda's son's first cross country meet and Tracey's cancelled triathlon.

I was telling Rhonda and Tracey about this documentary I was watching with my sister and brother-in-law last night on the History Channel telling the story of the families from 9/11 who received phone calls from their family members in the towers.  It was haunting, but I could not look away.  We started talking about where we were 10 years ago, and how we will never forget that day.  It was a little eerie to be running in the dark talking about such a dark topic, but obviously in the forefront of our thoughts.

We have been running into Aristida first and then out to Starkey afterwards.  This week, we were able to get in 6 miles just as we were coming out of Aristida, so that was nice!  I was mentally breaking this run into 3 segments of 6 mile runs.  We ran out a total of 9 to Starkey and then back.

The sun was coming up as we finished the last 6 miles and it was getting mighty hot.  We just happened to finish right about the same time as Richie and Big Steve.  Richie even had a mini cooling station (sent RIGHT from heaven!) at the finish.  And Big Steve even allowed us to double-dip in the cooler.

It was a hard run, but I'm so glad it's over now and I don't have to run again until Tuesday. Hope y'all enjoy the rest of your weekend! :)€

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