Friday, December 2, 2011

What Marathon Blues?!?

Yesterday was my very FIRST run since the Space Coast Marathon.  I was able to squeeze in a workout with Jenny on Wednesday (Luckily for my legs, she didn't kill me this time! Thanks, Jenny - love ya for that!).  It actually felt good to get moving and not have my legs be so tight.  I was SO looking forward to trying out my *NEW* Brooks Pure Cadence.

These shoes are BAD A...!  Check 'em out:

Several of my friends had already gotten them, and I was having some serious shoe envy.  Then I decided that they were going to be my little reward for running a marathon.  Ben actually wound up buying the men's Brooks Pure Flow and sneakily bought mine as a surprise, too.  (With a little help from Tracey and Paul Tripp from Suncoast Running - plug, plug!) Anyway, they feel like heaven when you put them on.  Literally.  They are so comfortable!

It was a little cooler than it's been lately (around 40ish degrees) in the morning.  I decided that I need to get my butt out of bed and get moving sooner or later.  I  met up with Melanie, Rhonda, and Jen at Longleaf and we started out for our "easy" recovery run.

The first mile was a little rough, but it felt good to be moving and sweating again.  After getting warmed up a little, Jen and I ran ahead a little bit while Melanie and Rhonda stretched.  Now, Jen was hauling butt over this bridge, and all I was doing was trying to catch her - which never happened!  I met her towards the end and we headed back.

Now as we were heading in, Jen and I decide we want to "push it" for the last 1/2 mile.  So we do.  Let me just mention that Jen continued to talk while I was huffing and puffing trying to keep up with her!  Geeze, woman!  Here are the splits:

Avg Pace

We ran a cooldown with Melanie and Rhonda to get the last 1/2 mile.  Overall a great post-marathon run!  Just what the doctor ordered!  Now that the Space Coast Marathon is over, there are two main goals -

1.  Break 2:00:00 in a half marathon

2. Break 25:00 in a 5K

There! I said it!  Now, all I have to do is do it. Let's do this, 2012!

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