Monday, October 15, 2012

It's on, again

Marathon Training, that is!

I'm currently starting Week #6 for the Disney World Marathon. This time around I am going to try the Hansons Plan.  The longest run is 16 miles, but there is a 8 or 10 miler the day before. The schedules are based on the philosophy that no one workout is more important than another, not putting too much emphasis on one workout, and not doing 40% of your weekly mileage on one day.  Simply, teaching you to run/race on tired legs.

You can find a Runner's World article on the Hanson's Plan HERE. I actually read this article back in January 2011 when it was published and I photocopied it and but it on my fridge. The bottom line, there are many training philosophies that runners and coaches recommend for the marathon (and other distances). My goal is to find the right one that works for me.  I felt as if my training for Space Coast went really well, but race day was the pits.

I feel as though the training has been going really well so far.  Here is a glimpse of what I've been up to, the actual totals are in parentheses:

Week #1:
Monday: off (1.35 in Jenny's bootcamp)
Tuesday: off (5)
Wednesday: off (5)
Thursday: 3 miles (off)
Friday: off (5)
Saturday: 3 miles (6)
Sunday: off (0
Total: 6 (actual total 22.35)

Week #2:
Monday: off (4)
Tuesday: 2 (3.5)
Wednesday: off (3)
Thursday: 3 (4)
Friday: 3 (2)
Saturday 3 (3)
Sunday 4 (4)
Total: 15 (actual total 23.5)

Week #3:
Monday: off (0)
Tuesday: 4 (4)
Wednesday: off (0)
Thursday: 4 (4)
Friday: 4 (4)
Saturday: 4 (5)
Sunday off  (7.5) 
Suggested total: 20 (actual total 24.5)

Week #4:
Monday: off (0)
Tuesday: 5 (5)
Wednesday: off (0)
Thursday: 3 (6)
Friday: 3 (4)
Saturday 5 (6.3)
Sunday 5 (12)
Suggested total: 21 (actual total 33.3)

Week #5:
Monday: off (0)
Tuesday: 5 (5)
Wednesday: off (0)
Thursday: 4 (6)
Friday: 5 (5)
Saturday: 4 (8)
Sunday: 5 (10)
Suggested total: 23 (actual total 34)

There are a few things that I have learned so far.  Number one, doing yoga on my off days feel amazing on my legs!  Number two, my compression sleeves are my new BFF!  Number three, I can pretty much kiss any other physical activities good-bye for the remainder of this training plan.

There are also quite a few races coming up on my race calendar:

Sunday, October 21st: PHCC 5k (one of my favorite races because it benefit's the PHCC's Women's Cross Country team that I just have to be the advisor for)

Saturday, October 27th: Bride of Frankenfooter 5k
Sunday, October 28th: Frankenfooter Half Marathon (combined to be the Living Dead Challenge) (No idea why I signed up for this, but it should be fun?)

Friday, November 2nd: Richard's Run for Life (Always a favorite, the BEST post-race party in Tampa!)

Sunday, November 4th: Wildhorse Half Marathon (Very first trail half marathon - yikes!

In other running-related news since my last post...I ran the First Annual Cheval Cares 5k and somehow landed up in the Top Ten females: (with Kat, Melissa, Tracey, and Jena who were all much faster!)

Saw my very first water moccasin on the trails.  And it just so happened to be a part of a whole water moccasin family.  

Ben and I traveled to Utah for the very first time and had a blast.  Ben totally rocked his Xterra National Companionship trail half marathon, the people were super nice, and the scenery was breath-taking (this picture is from Snowbasin above the valley).

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